
domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014






BACK TO SCHOOL by Diego Mosqueira 6A

Hello! It's October and I am back at school.

My class is 6A so I am in year 6. I am very happy because it is my last year in primary school.
My teacher  is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is Jose Manuel.

My classroom is big and nice.We have got computers and a digital board.It is great! We go to a different room for English and music and we got o the gym for PE.

This year I want to do my best so my resolutions for this school year are:
- to get good marks
- to do my best

MY SCHOOL by Lucas Brea 6A

  Bye-Bye    Beach

    Bye-Bye    Summer

   BYE-BYE    Village

   Hello   Homework

    Hello classroom  

OH NO SCHOOL!!!!! by Iria Lopez Rubio 6A


It's October and we are at school.I don't want to do my homework, to study or to do exams.I'm very, very lazy.
My class is 6A so I'm in year 6.
My teacher is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my P.E. teacher is Jose Manuel.

My classroom is big and we've got a digital board and computers.We've got a virtual class.
I have got 9 subjects and I like:

- Maths
- English
- Educative Attention
- Citycenship

But I love P.E. because we don't have to study

MY SCHOOL Alvaro Lesta Cambón 6º A

Hello! It´s October and I am back to school.
My class is 6ºA and my teacher is Conchi. My English teacher is Rose. My music teacher is pedro and my PE teacher is José Manuel. My classroom is big and nice. We have got computers and a digital board. We go to a different room for English and music and we got o the gym for PE.

I want to do my best so my resolutions for this school year are:
- to pay attention in class
- to get good marks

MY SCHOOL by Marcos Suárez 6A

Hi! It is October and I am back to school. My class is 6A and we are the oldest. My teacher is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is Jose Manuel. My classroom is big and very nice. We have got computers. I go to a different rom for English, music and PE.
I have got 9 subjects. I have got a new subject, citizenship. I like PE and  maths but I hate music. My favourite subject is arts because I love drawing.
My school has got a library, a school hall and a school garden.
My resolutions for this year are:
- to pay attention in class
- to get good marks

MY SCHOOL by Lucia Castelos 6A

Hello! It is October and I am back to school.
My class is 6A so I am in year 6.My teacher is Conchy , my English teacher is Rosa , my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is José Manuel .
My classroom is big and nice., We have got computers and a digital board . It is great!  I go to a different room for English and music , and I go to the gym for PE .
 My resolutions for this school year are:
- to get good marks
- to bring the material

MY SCHOOL by Marcos Piñeiro

Hello! It´s October and I am back to school.
I am in 6 year and my class  is 6A.
My teacher is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is Jose  Manuel.
My classroom is big.
I have 9 subjects: Spanish. Galician, PE, Engish, music, citizenship,
maths, science, religion and educative attention.
My favourite subject is PE.
My resolutions for this school year are:
- to pay attention in class
- to get good marks

BACK TO SCHOOL by Paula Martelo 6A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            It is October and I am at school.My class is 6A, I am sad because the summer is finished.
My teacher is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is Jose Manuel.
This year I want to do my best. My resolutions for this school year are:
- to do my homework
- to get good marks

MY SCHOOL by Sergio Peña 6ºA

Hello! I am back to school.
My class ia 6A so I am in year 6 . My teacher is Conchy,  my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and  my PE teacher is Jose Manuel.
My classroom is nice and big . We have got computers and a notebooks and books  and a digital board.
I have got 9 subjects, my favourite one is maths.

BACK TO SCHOOL by Brais Beiro Boquete 6A

Hi! Itis October and I am in the school again.
I am very happy beacause I am one of the oldest students in the school.
My teachers are: Conchy, Rosa, Pedro, Jose Manuel.
I am hapy to see my friends again.
This year I want to do my best and to have fun. My resolutions are:

- to do my homework
- to get good marks

MY SCHOOL by Antia Andrade 6A

My class is 6A. My teacher is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is Jose Manuel. I don´t like studying and homework. I like going to the beach and playing with my friends.This is my last year in this school and I´m sad and happy.
My class is big and nice. I go to a different class for English , music and PE.
This year I want to do my best. I want to go to the secondary school next September, so my resolutions for this school year are:
- to pay attention in class
- to get good marks

BACK TO SCHOOL by David Abeledo 6A

Hello! It's October and I am back to school.
My class is 6A and we are the oldest in the school. My teacher is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is Jose Manuel
My classroom is big and nice.We have got computers and a digital board. It is great! I go to a different room for English and Music and I go to the gym for PE.

I have got 9 subjects. I like maths and science but I hate Galician.My favouritre subject is PE because I like doing exercice.
My school has got a library, a concert hall and a school garden.

This year I want to do my best. My resolutions for this school year are:
-To pay attention.
-To get good marks.

It is going to be a very good year! I know!

AGAIN AT SCHOOL by Brais Bello 6ºA.

Hello! I´m Brais and this is my last year at my primary school.

In my school we´ve got a gym, a garden and a football pitch. My clasroom is big and beautiful and it´s got a lot of chairs and tables.

My English teacher is Rose, my teacher is Conchi, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is the headteacher. This is my favourite subject because I like running and jumping.

My resolutions for this school year are:
- to study hard
- to get good marks

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

BACK TO SCHOOL by Adrián Díaz

Helloo!!!!It's October and I am back at school.
Oh no!!!!!
My class is 6A so I am in year 6.My teacher is Chonchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is José Manuel.
My classroom is big and nice.We have got computers and a digital board.It is great!!!I go to a different room for English and music,and I go to the gym for PE.
I have got 9 subjects.I like English and arts and I hate Galician.However my favourite subject is maths because I love numbers.
My school has got a library, a concert hall and a school garden where we plant different things: flowers,tomatoes,lettuce...

This year I want to do my best. My resolutions for this year are:
-to pay attention
-to get good marks
It is going to be a good year!I know!!!


HI SCHOOL! by: Paula Alvedro 6A

Hi ! It´s October and I am back at school.
My class is 6A so I am in the last year of  primaryMy teacher is Conchy, my English is Rosa ,my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is Jose Manuel.
My classroom has got computers and a digital  board.
We have 9 subjects. I like maths and English but I hate science. However my favourite subject is arts.
This year I want to do my best. My resolutions for this school year are:
- To get good marks.
-To study every day.
It is going to be a good year! I  am sure!

Paula Alvedro.

HELLO SCHOOL!!!!!!!! by Luisa Romanos 6A


 It´s October and I am back at school.

Bye-Bye summer.

Bye-Bye beach.

Bye-Bye ice cream.

Hello homework. I am sad.

My class is 6A. My teacher is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is Jose Manuel.

I have got 10 subjects.My favourite subject is maths.

But I hate science.

My resolutions for this school year are:

to pay attention.

to have good marks.




Hi!!! The school year started in September and I'm in the last year: year 6.
My class is 6A. It's the best class in the school. My teacher's name is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE is José Manuel, the headteacher.My class is very big and nice.
I have 9 subjects. I like maths but I hate science, it's the wost subject in the world.
In my school there is a maze and a garden.
My resolutions for this year are:

- to get very, very good marks.
- to study every day.
- to pay attention in class.

Goodbye pupils!!!!!


I HATE SCHOOL!!!!! by Alba Bermúdez 6A

Hello! It's October and I'm very sad because I'm back at school. But I'm happy too because this is my last year at school. I'm in year 6.
My class is 6A. My teacher is Conchy , she's very funny,. I like my classmates too. My English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is Jose Manuel.
My classroom is big and nice. We have computers for all the children, a digital board, a blackboard and a noticeboard with photos, pictures...
My school has got a library, a concert hall and a garden with differents plants: tomatoes, lettuce, flowers...
I've got 9 subjects: PE, Galician, Spanish, Arts, Music, Maths, Science, Citizenship and Religion. I like maths and music but I hate  science. My favourite subject is arts because I love drawing  and painting and I haven't got homework.
This year I want to do my best. My resolution for this school year is:
- To chat less with my classmates.
This is going to be a great year!


OH NO!!! SCHOOL!!! by Estela Fociños 6A

Summer is finished. I am back at school.

This is my last year in the school. I am lazy to be back.
My class is 6A. My teacher is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is José Manuel.
I love my classmates, they are very funny but a bit chatty.
In my class we have got computers and a big digital board. We have different classrooms for some subjects, for example: English and music and we go to the gym for PE.
I have got 9 subjects. I like Spanish and music but I hate science because we study much. I hate school so I have not got a favourite subject.
My school has got a library, a big hall, a sport centre and a school garden to plant flowers, tomatoes, peppers, ...

This year I want to do my best. My resolutions for this year are:
- to do my homework
- to study every day
- to get good marks

It is going to be a good year!!!

Estela :)

MY SCHOOL by Andrea Alonso

Hello! It´s October and I am back to school.

I´m in year 6.  My  teacher is Conchy , my English teacher is Rosa, my music teacher is Pedro and my P.E teacher is Jose Manuel.

My classroom is big  and nice. We have computers and a digital board. I go to another class for music and for English.

I have 9 subjects. I like P.E  and Engish.  I love maths because is easy. But I hate science.

 My resolution for this year is to get good marks.
This year it is going to be easy.


BACK TO SCHOOL, by Abril 6ºA

It's October and I am back to school.
My class is 6A so I am in year 6. My teacher is Conchy, my English teacher is Rosa, muy music teacher is Pedro and my PE teacher is José Manuel. My classroom is big and nice.We have got computers and a digital board. It is great! I go to a diferent room for English and music, and I go to the gym for PE.
I have got 9 subjects. I like maths and music but I hate arts. However my favourite subject is PE because I like running and doing exercise.
My school has got a library, a concert hall and a school garden where were plant different things: flowers, tomatoes, lettuce...
This year I want to do my best. My resolutions for this school year are:
-to pay attencion
-to get good marks

It is going to be a good year! I know!
